Rational Theory of International Politics: The Logic of Competition and Cooperation (Princeton University Press, 2010)
Watch video discussions from a Roundtable on Rational Theory of International Politics at the 2010 APSA Meeting
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Correspondence: The Limits of Damage Limitation International Security, Vol. 42, No. 1 (Summer 2017), pp. 193-207.
Getting Out of the Gulf Foreign Affairs. Vol. 96, No. 1 (January/February 2017)
The Role of Effects, Saliencies and Norms in U.S. Cyberwar Doctrine Journal of Cybersecurity (June 15, 2016)
Should the United States Reject MAD? Damage Limitation and U.S. Nuclear Strategy Toward China, International Security, Vol. 41, No. 1 (Summer 2016), pp. 49-98.
A U.S.-China Grand Bargain? The Hard Choice between Military Competition and Accommodation, International Security, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Spring 2015), pp. 49-90.
How Oil Influences U.S. National Security, International Security, Vol. 38, No. 2 (Fall 2013), pp. 112-146.
Defending rtip, without Offending Unnecessarily, Security Studies, Vol 20, Issue 3 (August 2011), pp. 469-489.
Why Unipolarity Doesn’t Matter (Much) , Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 24, No. 2 (June 2011), pp. 135-147.
Will China’s Rise Lead to War? Foreign Affairs 90, no.2 (March/April 2011), pp.80-91.
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When Are Arms Races Dangerous? Rational versus Suboptimal Arming, International Security, Vol. 28, No. 4 (Spring 2004), pp. 44-84.
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National Missile Defense and the Future of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy, International Security, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Summer 2001), pp. 40-92.
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The Flawed Case for Nuclear Disarmament, Survival, Vol. 40, No. 1 (Spring 1998), pp. 112-128.
What is the Offense-Defense Balance and Can We Measure it?, International Security, Vol. 22, No. 4 (Spring 1998), pp. 44-82.
The Security Dilemma Revisited, World Politics, Vol. 50, No. 1 (October 1997), pp. 171-201.
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Realists as Optimists: Cooperation as Self-Help, International Security, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Winter, 1994-1995), pp. 50-90.
Why NATO is Still Best: Future Security Arrangements for Europe, International Security, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Summer 1993), pp. 5-50.
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Why Even Good Defenses May be Bad, International Security, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Autumn 1984), pp. 92-123.
ICBM Vulnerability: The Cures are Worse Than the Disease, International Security, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Summer 1982), pp. 70-85.