Headshot of Alexander Downes and the book cover of Catastrophic Success: Why Foreign-Imposed Regime Change Goes Wrong

Catastrophic Success: Why Foreign-Imposed Regime Change Goes Wrong

Catastrophic Success: Why Foreign-Imposed Regime Change Goes Wrong (Cornell University Press, 2021) by Alexander B. Downes, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs and Co-Director of the Institute for Security and Conflict Studies, is now available for hardcover and e-book purchase.

Watch the Catastrophic Success book launch event.

About the Book

Book cover of Catastrophic Success: Why Foreign-Imposed Regime Change Goes Wrong

In Catastrophic Success, Alexander B. Downes compiles all instances of regime change around the world over the past two centuries. Drawing on this impressive data set, Downes shows that regime change increases the likelihood of civil war and violent leader removal in target states and fails to reduce the probability of conflict between intervening states and their targets. As Downes demonstrates, when a state confronts an obstinate or dangerous adversary, the lure of toppling its government and establishing a  friendly administration is strong. The historical record, however, indicates that foreign-imposed regime change is not, in the long term, cheap, easy,  or consistently successful. 

The strategic impulse to forcibly oust antagonistic or noncompliant regimes overlooks two key facts. First, the act of overthrowing a foreign government sometimes causes its military to disintegrate, sending thousands of armed men into the countryside where they often wage an insurgency against the intervener. Second, externally imposed leaders face a domestic audience in addition to an external one, and the two typically want different things. These divergent preferences place imposed leaders in a quandary:  taking actions that please one invariably alienates the other. Regime change thus drives a wedge between external patrons and their domestic protégés or between protégés and their people.  

Catastrophic Success provides sober counsel for leaders and diplomats.  Regime change may appear an expeditious solution, but states are usually  better off relying on other tools of influence, such as diplomacy. Regime  change, Downes urges, should be reserved for exceptional cases. Interveners must recognize that, absent a rare set of promising preconditions, re gime change often instigates a new period of uncertainty and conflict that impedes their interests from being realized. 

Graphic includes headshot of Charles Glaser and book cover of "Analyzing Stategic Nuclear Policy"

Dr. Charles Glaser receives the 2021 William and Katherine Estes Award

“Charles L. Glaser, George Washington University, will receive the 2021 William and Katherine Estes Award.

Glaser has made important contributions to understanding feasible and desirable forms of nuclear arms control and ballistic missile defense in light of a constantly evolving technological frontier. Glaser’s work has been influential for its combination of theoretical rigor with a strong appreciation for the technical aspects of nuclear weapons policy.”

Read the full announcement from the National Academy of Sciences.

ISCS Fellow Accepts Pre-doctoral Fellowship at Texas A&M

Kendrick Kuo, an ISCS Fellow and Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science at GW, has accepted a Pre-doctoral fellowship for the 2020-21 academic year at the Albritton Center for Grand Strategy in the Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University. Kuo will spend the year completing his dissertation, “Military Innovation and the Illusion of Power,” which studies the conditions under which military innovation enhances or undermines combat power.

Dr. Saunders’ Three New WaPo Articles

Elizabeth N. Saunders, an Associate Professor in Political Science and International Affairs at GWU, recently published several articles in the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog. See below for content and links.

President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Iran deal. Here’s what you need to know. May 9, 2018

Bolton starts today, with a Syria crisis on the agenda. But there are limits to what he can do. April 9, 2018

Alex Downes on Trump, Iran, and Regime Change: WaPo Monkey Cage

Alexander B. Downes, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at The George Washington University, just published a new piece in the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage Blog: The Trump administration wants regime change in Iran. But regime change usually doesn’t work. Click the link title to check it out!